Julia Ratnawulan Skawanti1 , M. Ridwan Ariwibowo2
Program S1 Usaha Perjalanan Wisata
Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata
Bogor City , Indonesia
The phone number is one of the supporting factors are important in running a business. Besides being used to ask for information, the phone number can also be used as a means of reservation and confirmation. Phone number search is difficult and still use the manual search of some communities, especially in the city of Bogor trouble finding the phone number of a business entity. The number of business entities will also make public the difficulty in storing data either manually or electronically. Therefore, we need a dialer program that can provide the mobile phone number data is structured in one application. Mobile dialer is a mobile application that stores data business phone number in Bogor making it easier for people to directly make a phone call without exiting the application. Mobile dialer is built using the Java programming language and platform Android Studio. This application will help people in running and supporting a wide range of activities, although in emergencies
Keywords : mobile dialer , java , android studio , the phone number.
This research method using SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) with waterfall based. SDLC is not only important for the application development process , but also very important for the maintenance of the application itself . Roger S. Pressman (1992 : 24 ) This model breaks down into six stages , namely : System Information Engineering and Modeling , Software Requirements Analysis , Design , Coding , Testing / Verification and Maintenance . It would also require flowchart to start making applications for mobile dialer
Figure 1. Flowchart Mobile Dialer Application |
Analysis and Design System
- Functional Analysis The use of mobile devices make people often spend time on a smartphone or tablet computer. The difficulty of getting the phone number of a business entity either in normal circumstances or emergencies make people need a mobile application that has a list of phone numbers of services that exist in an area.
- Non-Functional Requirements Analysis To be able to create applications that can actually function as a good and thorough needed hardware and software that has the following specifications: Application required hardware Notebook Lenovo G400, 2 GB RAM Hard Disk 500 GB, Memory VGA 734 MB, VGA Intel Graphics HD, Android-based Smartphone, USB cable while the software yagn needed is Microsoft Windows 8 64-bit, Java Development Kit version 7, Android Studio version 1.5.1, Android software Development Ki, Smartphone Driver, Emulator Genymotion, USB Debugger and Microsoft Office 2010
Modeling System
is a simplified form of an element and very complex components for easy understanding of the information needed . Modeling system used in the design of this application is the Unified Modeling Language (UML) . UML diagrams used are Use Case diagrams and activity diagrams.
Figure 2. Use Case Diagram Mobile Dialer Application |
Figure 3. Activity Diagram Applications Mobile Dialer |
Draft Interface
Display the main menu interface , the initial view when the user opens the mobile dialer application.
Figure 4. User interface Main Menu |
Display the list of business entities , is to see when users press the icon image category will display a list of business entities from each respective category.
Figure 5. Display Interface Business Entity List |
Implementation Interface
The main menu display
Figure 7. Main Menu Mobile Dialer Application |
Display the list of business entities
Figure 8. List of Entities Business Applications Mobile Dialer |
Figure 9. Display Phone Calls from Smartfren Andromax Ec |
Testing Systems
Tests conducted on Smartfren Andromax Ec and Lenovo A390 . Previous first perform testing on Genymotion emulator which serves as a virtual device on the notebook. System testing is performed to determine whether the application has been made already running well and properly and there is no problem on that application . The following comparison table :
Table 1 Table Testing In Emulator Genymotion |
Table 2. Table Testing In Smartphone Lenovo A390 and Smartfren Andromax Ec |
Based on the stage and the analysis that has been done then the conclusion is :
- Mobile dialer application can help the community find a contact phone number of business entities in the city of Bogor efficiently , quickly and accurately without the help of a search engine or manual phone book .
- This application has the advantage that it can directly make phone calls without having to exit the application .
- This application can collect several business entities in Bogor City into a structured application neatly and in a way that is easy to use and user friendly
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